
All we need for Christmas

…is a free dev kit!

Who is Tillitis?

Tillitis is a spin-off of Mullvad VPN, the Swedish VPN service provider. When people at Mullvad VPN experimented on how to build trustworthy services, one idea was to build a hardware device that can be used for identification and authentication.

After some prototyping, the idea to make a USB stick for the purpose was worthy to pursue further. Tillitis was started in September 2022.

What does Tillitis do?

Basically, we have designed a flexible USB stick which can be used as e.g. USB security stick. The flexibility of the design opens up the design for any kind of application. Actually, there are no limitations, and with the programmer that comes with the dev kit, the possibilities for innovation are unlimited.

Our first release is this development kit.

How does Tillitis do it?

Everything from hardware to software is open source. Head over to GitHub and see for yourself. As part of building trustworthiness, everything is and will be open source.

Free Dev-Kit!

The AOC2022 is over. Do not hesitate to join our mailing lists or join us on social media to keep yourself updated for when we make the Dev kit and TKey publicly available.

Happy Holidays!

What’s next?

During December we will continuously select techies that will receive a free dev kit. Expect an email by end of December at the latest, if you have been chosen.

In the meantime, check out our website and GitHub.